San Andreas News Paid Promotions and Sponsorships Proxy.php?
San Andreas News Paid Promotions and Sponsorships Paid Promotions and Sponsorships
accredited to Kevin Hawk for the institution thereof

Our former network director, John Strickland, had a vision for a fair and loyal practice of paid-for sponsorship in our network. Because this program was successful in gaining needed revenue and providing fairness to our viewers and sponsors, I will be continuing this program to aid both us and our consumers.

To our patrons who wish to continue to buy sponsorships and promotions to be included in our various forms of newscasting, the pricing goes as follows below.

3 Sponsored messages during non-emergency reports or live broadcasts - $5,000
Live interview with owner or representative of business or cause - $10,000
Promotional article on website - $15,000
Promotional article on website + advert - $50,000
Appreciated business pack : All the above (3 sponsorship messages, live interview, promotional article and advert) - $60,000 ($5,000 off!)
If any patron is interested in purchasing a package, please contact me directly via email ((private message @Kenobi )) for more information.

Darwin Pagutayao
Network Director